What would you do if your friend was considering a choice?
What if that choice would end a life in just seconds?
What if that life was in her womb?
My name is Sarah, and I am a pro-life missionary. I am almost nineteen and I feel like God has given me such a blessing! Before I get ahead of myself, let me start from the beginning. Four years ago, I was just a shy teenager. Not like the cute cuddly shy, the kind of shy that if you saw me, I would just avoid you like the plague and never open my mouth to even greet you. I was not a social butterfly AT ALL. In the summer of 2009, I started going to the local junior college for a summer class to warm up for fall classes and beyond! When we started, my mom told us that my sister and I had gotten scholarships to go to a new summer camp. For me that meant...NEW PEOPLE. My mom told me that some guy she worked with back in the OR days (Operation Rescue=glory days for mom) had started a camp to train young people to get educated and to educate others on the pro-life message. I was pretty pro-life back then and I knew that abortion killed an innocent life, but I was not as active as I am now. Maddie (my lil sister) and I were super excited about going to this new camp although I was less thrilled at the thought of talking to new people. As the summer semester came to a close, Maddie and I packed for a camp that was going to last two weeks! That was the longest I was ever going to be away from my home! Soon enough, finals came and right after our final, Maddie and I left for a grand adventure.
We drove up a steep driveway of a Selesian retreat center in Rosemead, California and there were tons of kids playing volleyball, basketball, frisbee, you name it! I just stared out the window. Oh the thing I feared the most, hundreds of kids (really there were like fifty and I knew half of them). I walked with my sister and mom to the camp leader, but Maddie had gotten sidetracked and ran off to talk to some friends. I walked up to the leader of Survivors, Jeff, and the first thing that he did was yell at me and then give me a hug. You can probably guess how confused and weirded out I was when I met him. Then he yelled at my sister which was pretty funny because she figured she was already in trouble.
Anyhoo. I met my camp counselor, she was the daughter of Jeff, but she was much nicer and did not pick on me as much as Jeff did. That would be Jayne. She is like a big sissy to me! I love her!
Maddie and I came in a few days late to camp so everyone made friends before we did, but Maddie is much more social than I am, so she made friends in a snap! Me...my only friends were the ones I already knew and Jayne was the only new one. The next day after we got there, we watched a movie called Maafa 21 (I highly recommend it!) It was about how the abortion industry was based on a racist background! Margaret Sanger, the foundress of Planned Parenthood called colored people, "...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people. She also attended a KKK meeting and was asked to speak at many Klu Klux Klan meetings after that. That is why some people call Planned Parenthood, Klanned Parenthood. Just watch the movie and you will know what I mean.
Then the next day after movie night, we headed out to the streets to go and do some activism. The thing that I remember when I headed out for the first time was, I would have to debate people who think that killing a baby is wrong. Not all people were like me. When we arrived to our first location, we took out some pretty big signs out of a van. I could not believe my eyes. The pictures were extremely graphic pictures of aborted babies! This was the first time I had ever seen a picture like that and I immediately felt a blanket of depression put over me. This is what it really looked like? I had no idea, but when I saw that picture, a fire started burning. It was a little flame, but I felt it in my heart. I debated people, asked them to take my literature, I was depressed when people flipped me off or called me crude names, but every time someone did that, the fire in my heart grew bigger and bigger!
Year after year, my little fire gained kindle and now, what used to be just a little match just four years ago, became a bonfire!
Now I joined a branch of Survivors called Campus Life Tours and I travel around the country showing the truth of abortion to my peers! After one semester of pro-life missionary work, I have the feeling that this is what God has called me to do in my life! When I was on tour, I felt tests at every campus I went to. At one campus, I was asked if I would raise a child that had a deformity such as a missing leg or eye. Without any hesitation, I said, "Of course! It does not matter if the person is disabled or has a strange deformity, they are as human as you and I." The young man that asked me that question looked at me with shock and replied, "You are the first person that has ever said that they would raise a deformed child. I can see that your heart is very pure. I have asked that to some other girls, but they said that either they would give the child up for adoption for some other family to take care of 'it' or they would go to get an abortion to 'get rid of it'." I was heartbroken to hear this. Out of all the women that he had asked, I was the only one that would actually raise the child with a deformity. At Sacramento State University, I was challenged by a student there who asked me, "How strong are your convictions? Would you give up YOUR life for these babies?" Again without hesitation, "Yes!" She just looked at me with disbelief and told me that she could not handle talking to me anymore, so she left.
Campus Life Tours and Survivors has changed my life DRASTICALLY! I would probably be the same girl I was four years ago if I had not met the Survivors. I would not be writing this blog, and I would not be fighting this hard for the right to life. I have them to thank. But I thank God above all else! He was the one that led me to this ministry, He is the one that gave me hope, and He is the one who gives me strength!
I am in the midst of semester number two and I am going crazy trying to raise funds to go on this tour.
If you had $5, WWYD? Could you give it to a missionary group such as Survivors?
I need to raise $1,800 for next semester, and I cannot do that without your help! I am willing to do yard work, babysit, clean a house, etc. Will you be the one that completes my fundraising? Will you be the one who donates a penny? No matter how much you give, it helps me inch toward my goal. And the two goals are to - serve my Lord and save lives!
Please e-mail me if you have any questions about the ministry, what I do, or what my favorite color is! Or just leave a comment below!
Oh and here are a couple links that you should check out :