Sunday, October 14, 2012

Just Think About It...

September 22nd, 2012
               For the first time ever, I felt that it was only me and my team outside of a clinic.
I was chalking and praying while about ten to fifteen of pro-life club prayed, sang, and sidewalk counseled.  I was doing my thing when an angry “deathscort” came up to me, “You can’t chalk here,” she snapped.  I politely asked her if the sidewalk I was on was a public sidewalk, “Well yes, but don’t block the sidewalk,” she hissed.
                   “Yes ma’am,” I replied and continued chalking.  They themselves had chalked a line where the sidewalk counselors were not allowed to “trespass”, so we thought that I was fine and dandy.  Little did I know that trouble was brewing on the inside of this wretched clinic.
           A woman came up to me, eyes blazing with anger as I chalked, “Your baby’s heart starts beating at only twenty-one days.”
                   “You can’t chalk here!  You are defacing the sidewalk.”
          “Well it’s a public sidewalk right?”
                   “Yes, but it is owned by the landlord here.”
          “Well if it’s public, then I am going to continue to chalk here.”
                   “Then I’m calling the landlord and the police.”
          “Alright,” I answered and continued chalking.  “But I’m going to call them,”  I did not look up, but I told her that it was fine if she wanted to call them.  She turned around and went back inside the clinic with a huff.
          I moved to a different part of the sidewalk after I asked Kristina what I should chalk.  She told me that I should chalk “It’s not too late!  Call 1-800-712-HELP,” right before all of my other chalk started.  I just chalked, “It’s not…” before a policewoman yelled at me, “Ma’am! Ma’am!”  I stood up to talk to her,  “You can’t chalk here.”
                 “Well I don’t understand.  This is a public sidewalk right?”
          “It is a public sidewalk, but it is owned by the landlord.”
                 “The landlord owns this entire sidewalk?”
                 “For this entire block?”
                 “But why do they get to chalk their outline for their property?  It doesn’t make sense that i can’t chalk here.”  I was about to chalk when a police car pulled up.  I thought that these policemen would actually know the law, but boy was I wrong!  Through the car window, i heard the police talking to Kristina, “If she continues, you can be cited or arrested.”  Then the police woman on her bike piped up, “For disorderly conduct, and defacing someone’s property,” the cop in the car nodded in agreement. 
As I was listening, a fellow pro-lifer walked up to me, “You know, this…this isn’t worth it.  You’re only going to get arrested, it’s not worth it.”  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  Chalking sidewalks is so helpful and it helps to get messages and help numbers to the women who are walking into the clinic.  I’m going to be honest, I have never had a pro-lifer say that to me.  In fact, I was so shocked, that I didn’t even reply to him.  Then another pro-lifer came up to me, “I think it’s best if you just comply with them.  It’s just chalk, it’s not worth a citation or an arrest.”  These kinds of comments happened at least two other times!  

             Then, next thing I know, the clinic brought out buckets, sponges, and other cleaning materials.  Oh they are probably going to scrub the sidewalk themselves.  I was wrong.  Some of the other pro-lifers caved in and offered to scrub the sidewalk!  There was some serious spiritual warfare going on here.  When these pro-lifers were telling me that it was a lost cause to chalk on the sidewalk, the devil was probably working there.  In fact, I felt it!  What was running through my head was the verse from Matthew 16:22-23 “And Peter, taking him aside, began to rebuke him, saying, ‘Lord, may it be far from you; this shall not happen to you.’  And turning away, Jesus said to Peter: “Get behind me Satan; you are an obstacle to me.  For you are not behaving according to what is of God, but according to what is of men.”
              I said that in my head at least every time someone tried to crush my hope and courage.  I went to our van because I could not take it anymore, and as I was about to cross the street, I began to think on what those pro-lifers said and realized how alone I felt on that sidewalk.  The only support that I felt was from my own team!  Then I felt crushed.  I admit it, I did cry.  Not because I was sad, but because some of my own brothers and sisters in Christ would not take a stand on my behalf.  Instead, they decided to comply and break my walls down.
              I was frustrated and sad for these particular pro-lifers and anyone else who is like that.  I pray daily, even hourly for sidewalk counselors and other pro-life leaders and volunteers.
              If they could comply with a ridiculous statement from “law enforcement,” what if they comply with other things?  What if they comply with President Obama’s HHS Mandate?  Weill we comply and throw our faith into the fire?  My brothers and sisters in Christ, will you comply?  Will you throw away your faith and morals to protect yourself from jail?  My friends, complying and going against your faith and morals may not put you in jail here, but complying may put you at risk to ending up in the eternal jail downstairs.
Think about it.

Friday, October 12, 2012

"I do have a story about this place..."

This week was probably one of the best weeks ever!  We spent the entire week in Ohio, which is now one of my favorite places of all time, and we are stayed with Bryan Kemper of Stand True Ministries.  During our stay, we went to an abortuary to sidewalk counsel, and my team held signs of fetal development and graphic images of abortions, while I chalked and Kristina counseled.  I chalked things like “For REAL help, call 1-800-712-HELP” and “Pretend I’m a tree: save me”.  After chalking pretty much the entire sidewalk, I stopped because I was skinning my fingers as the chalk wore to a nub. I had started walking back when a car stopped next to me.

“What’s all this about?” A woman asked me from her car.  I bent over and explained to her that this was an abortion clinic and that we were sidewalk counseling.  I also told her that we were there to show women the truth about abortion and to show them there are a lot better decisions than abortion, and a dead baby.

 “Oh that’s awesome!” she said, surprising me. “I have a daughter that wants to come out here sometime and do this sort of thing, but she is a little young.  When she is sixteen or seventeen, then I’ll come with her.”

I was so excited that this mom was going to take her kids out to sidewalk counsel, I wanted to hug her. But she kept going, and her face changed.
“I do have a story about this place, and MY experience.”  I realized that this conversation might go on for a while, so I knelt on the grass to listen. She told me she had come to that same clinic in 2006 -- to have an abortion. And it was horrible.
“They didn’t care about anything,” said said, lip trembling, “After the abortion, I started hemorrhaging, and they waited forever to even bring the machine back upstairs to do another you know...whatever it’s called that they do.  And a nurse...I was so scared, and a nurse was like, ‘Don’t you have other children?”and she laughed, and told me, ‘You’re going to make your kids’ lives a living hell.’ Can you believe? And then I had to go to the hospital immediately afterwards and spend a day there.”  
I told her that I was so sorry about what happened to her and her baby and she nodded, “They were awful.  When the abortion was done, they showed me my baby. They showed me the jars with him in them --  MY baby!  I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.”  
We were silent together. I realized in a different way how serious an evil abortion is -- how nothing turns back that choice, how death can’t be undone.
Then she took a deep breath, and the moment passed. She told me she had just come from the Crisis Pregnancy center across the street -- she had had an ultrasound, and was 7 weeks pregnant! She beamed a huge smile, glowing with excitement.
When she finally shook my hand to go, and introduced herself, she dropped in passing that she had never had a chance to talk to anyone about her abortion before -- and was grateful she could tell me. I even got the chance to tell her the dangers of artificial contraception, and how IUD’s, and other chemical birth control actually CAUSE abortions by thinning the lining of the uterus and preventing the baby from implanting. But with an IUD, a baby can even live for a few months, and be killed by it then.  
Before she left, she thanked me again. She had come willing to heal, and God put me there with the info she needed! That’s why the Campus Life Tour is so important, and it’s why I’m out here still, almost every day.
Please pray for her, her family, and her preborn child!