Monday, April 23, 2012

One of Those Days

“I’m tired!  I’m hungry!  My feet hurt!  Maybe I’ll just stay home and not come back after Easter break.”  I’m not going to lie.  These complaints have been running through my head recently.
Recently, I had been listening to a fellow teammate say that she was not going to come back to Campus Life Tour after Easter break.  I was thinking the same thing.  We were tired, hot, and we just wanted to go home.  When we went to a high school, we whined on the corner as we waited for students to come out.  I had been having a horrible head ache all day and I just wanted to sleep, but I knew it was my duty to stand up and educate these high schoolers what abortion really was.  Then the thought occured to me, I am not suffering as much as these babies who are going through abortion!  When I thought that, I was ashamed that I was so selfish in thinking that I wanted to go home, or sleep in the car.  Yes I admit it!  I was a selfish person, but as soon as I thought about those 3500 babies that would be dying that day, there was nothing that could be as worse as being ripped apart in your own mother’s womb.  I looked at my teammate, “Stop whining and think about those babies that are going to die today.  They are going through something worse than we are.”
Now I think about that all the time!  Even while I was at a high school this week. 

 We went to Moorpark High School and I met a couple kids while I was handing out literature.  A young man walked past me saying that he was pro-choice.  I thought that was going to be the last time I was going to see him, but he came back.  “Why are you outside of a high school?  We’re just kids!”
“Well yeah I know you guys are just kids, but the abortion industry is targeting you young people!  I am trying to educate you all what abortion really is before one of you gets into that situation.”  He was trying to defend the wrong side of the abortion debate after I told him that.
“Well it’s still a woman’s body.  She should have the right to do whatever to her body.”
“But that’s not her body.”  The boy chuckled as if I had just told a joke, “It has a separate set of DNA.  If it was the woman’s body, then she would have four arms, legs, eyes, and half of the time would have two different genders.  That doesn’t sound right does it?”
“Well it’s still inside her so it’s her body.  She should live with the consequences if she has an abortion.  She should know what’s happening when she gets an abortion.”
“So just because that child is inside means that the baby should not get rights like you and me?”
“Right because the baby is dependent on its mom.”
“An infant is dependent on the mother when she’s born, so what’s so different?  Based on what you are saying, it should be legal to kill newborns as well.”
“No, no, no.  That’s not what I’m saying.”
“You are saying that since the baby is dependent on her mom, it’s ok for the baby to be killed by an abortion.”  He chuckled to himself again and walked away.
“So you can look at this picture and say it’s okay?”
“Yeah I can.”  I could not believe that he had just said that!  If you were pro-abortion, would you look at the picture of an abortion and honestly say that you are okay with it?
After a few minutes after the young boy left, a girl walked passed me, “Did you get one of these?” I said holding out a piece of literature.
“What about all of those orphans that will never be adopted?”
“You don’t know for sure if those kids will never be adopted.  There are millions of families waiting to adopt here in America.”
“But American kids never get adopted.  It’s only the kids from overseas that get adopted.”
“So just because the child might end up in an orphanage means that it’s okay to rip that child limb by limb in her own mother’s womb?”
“Well what if the kid is going to be abused?”
“Look at this picture, abortion is the most abusive thing that that child can go through.”  She crossed her arms.
“But like I said, kids in America are never adopted.”
“Where did you get your source?  Let me look that up later.”
“I think it was”
“Well that’s not a liable source.  Do you have another source that I can look up?”
When she saw that she had no other source, she changed the subject immediately, “Well the child in the womb is pretty much brain dead, so it can’t think for itself.”
“What about a man that is in a coma?  Should we have the right to kill him too?”
“Well yeah, if his family thinks it’s for the best.”
“So you think that killing is okay?  You don’t know if that man will come out of his coma or not, you can’t just assume that he will never wake up.”
“But then he will be dependant on everyone.  He won’t be able to feed himself or anything.”  When she said this, I thought of Terri Schiavo and her case.
“There was a young woman in Florida that was in a coma.  She came out of that coma and she could eat, she just had to have a feeding tube.”
“But we will be taking care of someone who is unresponsive.  She must have been just brain dead.”  So I explained more about what Terri was really doing.
“She was responsive!  She could move her eyes, laugh at her dad’s jokes, and eat with the feeding tube.  Just because she was disabled doesn’t mean that we should have the right to kill her.”  The girl seemed to be a little frustrated, but she was calm.
“So what happened to her?”
“Her feeding tube was taken away from her and she starved to death.  Her family did not want that to happen, but it did against their will.”
“Well I’m glad she’s out of her misery.”
“I just told you a minute ago that she would laugh at her dad’s jokes!  Even though she couldn’t do things that you and I could do, she was still happy to be alive.”  The girl rolled her eyes.
“I’m just glad they pulled the plug on her.”  I could not believe my ears.
“So you are alright with killing people?”  She thought about that for a second, and shockingly she said.
“Yeah I am.  I think that people who are in comas or who are suffering from cancer, or who want an abortion should have the right to kill the people that are a burden to us all.”  I was missing many students walking past while I was talking to this girl, so I told her,  “I cannot believe that you are alright with killing people.  You should be ashamed of yourself.”
“But I’m not.”  She said with a smug look on her face.
“Look at this picture that I am holding,” she looked at the picture, “Can you honestly say that you are okay with killing people in the womb and killing people outside the womb as well?”
“Yes.”  I was astonished at how arrogant she was being.
“Then you go tell your friends that you are okay with killing people.  How would they react?  Why would you say that?”  She didn’t want to talk to me anymore.  She turned around and began to walk away with her head held high.
It is amazing that kids at a high school are being taught such awful things.  It is also amazing that this generation is so arrogant.  It could have just been this high school, but the level of arrogance was so great that I just wanted to leave right then!  But I knew that I had to teach these kids what abortion really was whether they liked it or not.  At least I was planting a seed in them.  Sure I might get tired, frustrated and hungry, but I always have to keep in mind that thirty-five hundred children are going through something worse than I am everyday in America.

For Life and for the Little Ones,

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